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Q: What does it mean to recalibrate?
A: To calibrate something in terms of intrapersonal work means to do one of two things. First, to “adjust,” in the experiential assessment, to take external factors into account and/or to allow comparison with other data, beliefs, possibilities, etc. Secondly, and even more importantly, it means to carefully asses, set, or adjust, in the abstract sense, as to “calibrate potential results.” Because, as humans, we are calibrating all the time.
Unfortunately, we calibrate based on knowledge assessed as children or young adults, or given to us as children, or our first teacher, or our first employer, etc., referencing data that is no longer useful to the current reality, our current positions, our current social role, employment or the world around us.
Therefore, to recalibrate means to assess our past beliefs about our self and the world around us (career, family, relationships, etc.), from the mind and understanding of an adult, a leader, a manager, a husband/wife, a parent, etc., whatever the situation is in this moment. Recalibrating thus allows us to project a future otherwise not imaginable or possible using outdated intrapersonal relationships which reflect on every relationship with every aspect of our lives.
Q: Why is the course work called The RECALIBRATION?
A: Many of the tools learned and given to you as a child, young adult and/or young professional, young lover, young parent, whoever the case may be, may have served you well or may not have served you well in your personal development and career objectives. Whether they served or not in the past, the question arises as to whether they still serve in your current age, position, status, title, etc.
The old adage, “You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression,” works both ways. Once we have an impression of ourselves in a certain situation, or experience, it can last our whole lifetime, career, relationship, and thusly affecting all the above at all times, for the better or the worse. More times than not, is’t for the worse, no matter what others might say, how much money we make or how many awards and accolades we get.
We all know of many examples. The billionaire who thinks he doesn’t have enough money. The International model who thinks she is unattractive. The CEO who doesn’t think he can run a company, despite the fact that he might be doing a great job and the company is financially growing. The Olympic athlete, Gold Medalist, who thinks she’s not good enough. These are signs of imprint, a calibration, as it were, of reality to conform to one’s outdated beliefs of self, for example.
The word “recalibration” was specifically chosen to work with our human nature, instead of against it. Allowing for all the good the bad, the happy the sad, the accolades and the reprimands, the success and the so called failures, etc., to be acknowledged and used in the re-assessment of what it all meant, how it may have all served, where it could have, and can better serve going forward. Thus, recalibrating the outdated beliefs and recalibrating our intrapersonal relationship.
Q: Does the word recalibrate have anything to do with the word “caliber?”
A: The original root of the word “recalibrate” is in fact the word, “caliber,” which refers to the quality of someone’s character or the level of someone’s ability. Synonymous to the word caliber, which is at the heart of the word and consequently the work course, that is The RECALIBRATION, are the words qualities, merit, distinction, stature, excellence, preeminence, abilities, expertise, talents, capabilities, capacities, proficiencies.
Q: What is expected of me as far as the coursework is concerned for The RECALIBRATION?
A: The RECALIBRATION is a series of interactive coursework. Each series consists of brief, concise lectures, followed by a group general discussion, followed by a time when the group breaks into smaller groups headed by a co-facilitator. During those smaller groups, a series of questions are administered specific to the course of study. The silently, go deep and answer the questions with answers that come up, as guided by the questions, and co-facilitator, if needed. In each small group, each participant has an opportunity to interact by sharing a part of their story/ answers that are comfortable to share and appropriate to share. Other participants in the group are allowed to ask questions of the co-facilitator based on the share. Thought questions may be further asked by the co-facilitator and ideas can be thrown out to ponder, the idea is that each participant comes up with their own aha’s, answers, solutions, visions, etc. If it is a corporate team group, then the group is invited to brainstorm, in a positive manner, based on each of the stories/answers shared.
Q: Is it possible that I can take one of The RECALIBRATION courses and that would be all, or do I have to take more than one in order to see results?
A: Within any of The RECALIBRATION courses, there are many opportunities for self understanding, reflection, aha’s, and therefore, positive results and personal advancement, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, etc.
Each of The RECALIBRATION courses are designed to be standalone and effective in and of themselves, for the coursework for which they were created and intended. Therefore the answer is yes, one can expect to take The RECALIBRATION once, for their intended purpose and have it serve them in that purpose. At the same time, as happens on a consistent basis, as deep as one goes in the workshop, one will find that after the workshop, one can always go deeper, and often does. Though the coursework can be used independently, working with experienced co-facilitators and in a group setting can allow each participant to experience so much more than on their own.
Also, inherent in the name itself, The RECALIBRATION, and in the coursework, one is never the same person from one moment to the next, from one life experience to the next, and from one career change, martial status change, etc. to the next. Therefore, either working through new changes, issues, positive or negative, that come up in life within a certified The RECALIBRATION course work, or using the material for self evaluation and development is always recommended.